
Microsoft rolls out Facebook app for low memory Windows phones

Microsoft has made a Facebook app for Windows Phone that can run on 256MB of RAM, Microsoft Windows Phone chief Joe Belfiore said.

This is good news for users of Microsoft's older or lower-end Windows Phone devices who could not access their Facebook accounts because of a low 256MB of RAM.

"New (Facebook) Beta for (Windows Phone 7 and 8). Not just bug fixes and (performance)... Also now available on 256MB phones!" Belfiore said in a post on his Twitter account Sunday, Manila time 
A description of the new app indicated it includes performance improvements and bug fixes for Windows Phone 7 and Windows Phone 8 users. It is an 8MB download and works with Windows 7.5 and 8.
A separate article on “The Next Web” noted that with Facebook mobile usage is growing fast, "it is imperative for Microsoft to provide a native app for all customers."
 "As of May 2012, just 1.6 percent of apps were incompatible with 256MB phones, but that included one-quarter of Xbox Live titles and some significant apps, such as Facebook," it said.KDM, GMA News 