
YouTube adds icon to show video in browser tab is playing

Here's good news for YouTube addicts who open videos in several tabs simultaneously, then can't tell which tab is playing.

YouTube had added a Play icon to the tab's title area so a user can tell which tab is playing a video, enthusiast blog site GoogleSystem reported.

"YouTube started to add a 'play' Unicode character to the title of the YouTube page, but only when the video is playing. Pause the video and the 'play' character disappears. It's a great way to find a 'noisy' tab, especially if you open more than one YouTube video," it said.

It said the "play" symbol is the black right-pointing triangle Unicode character and is thus "small, subtle, and it's better than an animated favicon."

A separate article on The Next Web said the new feature is a relatively minor tweak but will be very useful for YouTube users.

"Because the service auto-plays content when you open a video, if you have multiple YouTube tabs it is often tedious to figure out which ones need to be paused or closed," it said.

 The Next Web also noted this works not just on later versions of Google's Chrome but also on Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Mozilla's Firefox.

"On the whole, both these changes are minor but they can significantly improve the user experience. It’s great to see that YouTube went ahead and implemented its own solution while its parent company Google continues to work on a broader one for all websites," it said. — VC, GMA News

source: gmanetwork.com