
WATCH: Apple’s Siri belts out Queen’s ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’

Apple has been known to hide easter eggs on its intelligent personal assistant Siri in previous years, but the latest one will take users down classic rock memory lane.

By uttering the words: “I see a little silhouette of a man,” to Siri on either the iPhone or a Mac, the quirky artificial intelligence will follow through with the lyrics of one of rock band Queen’s famous songs, “Bohemian Rhapsody.”

Although Siri may not possess the same singing prowess as Freddie Mercury,  the witty AI more than makes up for it with gusto, willingly belting out thirteen lines of lyrics following the opening line.

Considering Siri is classified as neither a boy or a girl, the virtual assistant even modified the lyrics to fit the situation. “I’m just a poor assistant, nobody loves me. It’s just a poor assistant from a poor family”.

Of course Siri couldn’t have been more wrong, since most Apple fans out there completely adore the virtual assistant.

If you want to hear more of Siri’s singing, just ask, “What does the fox say?” and it will do the rest. KI
